Thursday, July 28, 2011

Australia's Facts on Domestic Abuse

  1. 1 in 3 Australian women are affected by some form of  domestic violence in her lifetime 
  2. 3 Australian women die every fortnight - either directly or indirectly - due to domestic violence 
  3. 1 in 4 Australian children witness domestic violence in their home
  4. Domestic violence cost the Australian public $13.6 billion in 2009
    If you are in Australia please dial 000 if you are in immediate danger!

United Kingdom- Domestic Abuse Facts

1 in 4 women experience DV in their lifetime.  Also1 in 8 to 1 in 10 women experience it annually.
According to the United Kingdom,the following is the definition of Domestic Abuse:
“Any incident of threatening behavior, violence, or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who have or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of sexuality”
Police in the UK receive a call about domestic violence every single minute (Less 50% are reported).  That’s roughly 1,300 calls per day or over 570,000 every year.  
Approximately 2  women are killed by their past or current partner a week.
“Part IV of the Family Law Act 1996 provides single and unified domestic violence remedies in county courts and magistrates’ courts.”
The following people may apply: (ex) cohabitants, spouses,  those  who have lived or still live the same household (excluding the reasons of being an employee, tenant, lodger or boarder), certain relatives (e.g. parents, grandparents, in-laws, brothers, sisters), and those who have agreed to marry each other.
In the family courts, about 24,100 Domestic Violence orders were made.
Two types of orders:

  1. A Non-molestation Order: can prohibit either particular behavior or general molestation. Since 2007, failing to obey the restrictions of these orders is a criminal offense for which someone could be arrested.
  2. An Occupation Order: which can define or regulate rights of occupation of home i.e. a type of civil injunction used in domestic violence cases.  It restricts the right of a violent partner to enter or live in a shared home.
Resource Numbers
Freephone 24-Hour Domestic Violence Helpline (run in partnership between women’s aid & refuge)
0808 2000 247
Wales 24-Hour Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 80 10 800
Male Advice Line and Enquiry (MALE): 0808 801 0327
Mankind: Help-line service for male victims of domestic abuse/violence- 01823 334244
Broken Rainbow (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender domestic violence forum) 08452 60 44 60

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Domestic Abuse in Ireland

1 in 7 women and 1 in 17 men experience severe domestic violence.
Women are 2x more likely as men to have experienced severe physical abuse,
7x more likely to  experience sexual abuse, and are more likely to experience serious injuries than men.
95% of young women and 84% of young men claimed to know someone who had experienced abuse.
1 in 4 young women knew someone who had been forced to have sex.
In 2010  
-13% of callers had suffered abuse at the hands of their current non-married partners.
-10% been abused by former non-married partner.
-Roughly, 1/5 of women continue to suffer abuse, be stalked and harassed by their ex-partner.
-7,512 Women, 2,462 children supported
-34,000+ helpline calls to domestic violence services in 2009.
-About 100 calls for help were made everyday of the year.
“Over 51% of the 166 women murdered in the Republic were killed by their partner or ex-partner. [From] data...resolved homicide cases show that of the 39 women aged between 18 and 25 years who were killed since 1996, 53% were murdered by a boyfriend or former boyfriend.” (Margaret Martin)
“In ... 100 houses, in 15...will be women who have lived with severe domestic abuse. In 6 will be men who have lived with abuse. It is estimated just 10% of those suffering will access services. So, while 7,500 women accessed domestic violence services in 2009, that’s 75,000 women experiencing abuse in any one year.”( Eimear Fisher)
Helpline number: 1-800-341-900 

Domestic Violence in France- in french( credit to sources)

Aujourd'hui, une femme meurt tous les deux jours et demi en moyenne victime des violences de son compagnon.
75 000 femmes sont victimes de viols chaque année et 8 000 adolescentes sont menacées de mariage forcé.
Les violences conjugales expliqueraient 20 % des homicides commis dans notre pays.
  Ce système anti-rapprochement pourra être ordonné lorsqu'un conjoint violent est mis en examen pour des violences ou menaces, punies d'au moins 5 ans d'emprisonnement.
Cette violence a un coût : les soins dispensés aux victimes, le traitement des plaintes et la prise en charge des traumatismes liés aux violences représentent une dépense globale de 2,5 milliards d'euros chaque année.

3919, Violences conjugales infos. Plateforme d'écoute, d'information et d'orientation, le 3919 redonne la parole aux femmes victimes de violences au sein du couple. Toute l'année, du lundi au samedi, entre 8 h et 22 h, une équipe de 30 personnes assure une permanence.Le 3919 est ouvert à tous : les victimes elles-mêmes, l'entourage, la famille, les voisins, les professionnels… En tout, le service reçoit 33 500 appels par an dont 14 000 émanant de personnes directement victimes.

Le "3919 - Violences conjugales info", service national d'écoute, d'information et d'orientation est gérée par la FNSF depuis 1992. 
La plateforme téléphonique est animée par une équipe de 30 professionnelles. • Appel gratuit depuis un téléphone fixe. • Du lundi au samedi, de 8 h à 22 h. • Les jours fériés de 10 h à 20 h (sauf les 1er janvier, 1er mai et 25 décembre).

üLa majorité des appels à contenu, soit 19 707 appels, concernait les violences conjugales

42,6% des victimes ont effectué une démarche auprès des services de police/gendarmerie mais ce taux est en baisse de 7,2% par rapport à 2009. De même près d’un tiers des victimes ont contacté un professionnel-le- de santé. Ce pourcentage est aussi en baisse de 3%.
Enfin cette étude confirme les constats réalisés quotidiennement par les 68 associations du réseau Solidarité Femmes : pour près de 80% des victimes les violences ont des conséquences :
- sur leur santé mentale ou physique (séquelles temporaires ou définitives) ;
- sur leur sécurité : en 2010, 950 appels ont été interrompus principalement liés à l’arrivée du partenaire violent, c’est 30% de plus qu’en 2009.
- sur leur activité professionnelle : le taux de femmes qui ont abandonné leur emploi est en augmentation de 12% par rapport à 2009.


Domestic Violence in France

     On average, every 2.5 days one woman dies at the hands of her intimate partner.  75,000 women are rape per year and 8,000 girls are at risk of forced marriage. Domestic  Abuse makes up 20% of the murders in France. The social problem of Domestic abuse costs France 2.6 billion euros per year.
3919 service receives 33,500 calls a year including 14,000 from individuals directly affected. 
    -Dialing 3919 is completely anonymous for the caller.
    -A team of 30 professionals runs the phone platform.
    -Call from a landline.
    -Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 22 pm.
    -Public holidays from 10 am to 20 pm (except 1 January, 1 May and 25 December).
42.6% of victims have approached to police / gendarmerie but decreased by 7.2% from 2009. 
1/3 of the victims have contacted health professionals. This has decreased by 3%.
Solidarity Network: nearly 80% of victims of violence have consequences:
On their mental or physical health (temporary or permanent long-lasting)
About their safety: in 2010, 950 calls stopped due to the abusive partner’s arrival. It increased by 30% from 2009.
On their work: the percentage of women who left their jobs rose by 12% compared to 2009.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Wasted talent due to the damages of Domestic Abuse/Violence

  • I just realized that  TOO many precious people are abused and according to statistics in the United States
  • About 3+ Women and 1 man are murdered by their intimate partners everyday.
  • Those people are people who will never be able to  live their lives and reach their dreams.  
  • Every 5 minutes a women reports a rape  in the United States. Those women will never be the same.  Often times it takes intensive counseling and support in order for them to have a healthy and loving relationship.
  • Every person deserves respect as a person and not a punching bag or dirt.
  • It's a tragedy every time a person is hurt due to domestic violence (abuse), sexual assault.   Every person should make their mission to do what's right for the worldwide community by reporting any instance of domestic violence.
  • DO NOT BE AFRAID of getting into others "family business" this is not a family matter is a worldwide problem that needs to be stopped! 
  • Please help the victims even stranger! 
  •  If its your friend don't be afraid of them being mad because wouldn't you rather them be mad then a victim of domestic violence homicides?
  •   On average, more than three women and one man are murdered by their intimate partners in this country every day... don't let a person being another statistic....  

       Call  1-800-SAFE(7233) or 1-800-787-3244 (TYY)

Sources:  and

Thursday, July 21, 2011

50 States & Territories Domestic Violence hotline numbers/website

Each U.S. State/ Territory,  Canada and Mexico can get help by calling The National Domestic Violence hotline at
1-800-799- SAFE(7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224

Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence-(800) 650-6522 Hotline   Website:
(334) 832-4842 Fax: (334) 832-4803
Alaska Network on Domestic/Sexual Violence-907-586-3650    Website:
Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence-  Website:
(800) 782-6400 Nationwide 
(602) 279-2900 Fax: (602) 279-2980
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence-
(800) 269-4668 Nationwide
(501) 907-5612 Fax: (501) 907-5618
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence- Website:
(916) 444-7163 Fax: (916) 444-7165
(800) 524-4765 Nationwide
Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence- Website:
303- 831-9632 Fax: (303) 832-7067
(888) 788-7091  In State DV Hotline
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence-
(860) 282-7899 Fax: (860) 282-7892 
(888) 774-2900 In State DV Hotline   (800) 281-1481 In State
Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence-
(302) 658-2958 Fax: (302) 658-5049
(800) 701-0456 Statewide
DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence-  Website:
(202) 299-1181 Fax: (202) 299-1193
Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence-
(800) 500-1119 In State
(850) 425-2749 Fax: (850) 425-3091
(850) 621-4202 TDD
Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(404) 209-0280 Fax: (404) 766-3800
Guam Coalition Against Sexual Assault and FV
(671) 479-2277
Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(808) 832-9316 Fax: (808) 841-6028
Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
(208) 384-0419 Fax: (208) 331-0687
(888) 293-6118 Nationwide
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence    (217) 789-2830 Fax: (217) 789-1939
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(800) 332-7385 In State
(317) 917-3685 Fax: (317) 917-3695
Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence-  Website: 
(515) 244-8028 Fax: (515) 244-7417
(800) 942-0333 In State Hotline
Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic ViolenceWebsite: (785) 232-9784 Fax: (785) 266-1874
Kentucky Domestic Violence Association- Website: 
(502) 695-5382 Phone/Fax
Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence- Website:
(225) 752-1296 Fax: (225) 751-8927
Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence-
Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-866-83-4HELP
Hearing IMPAIRED: Use Mail Telecommunication Relay Service- 1-800-437-1220
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence
1-800-MD-HELPS or 301-352-4574
(301) 809-0422 (Fax)
Jane Doe, Inc./ Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
(617) 248-0922 Fax: (617) 248-0902
(617) 263-2200 TTY/TDD
Michigan Coalition against Domestic and Sexual
TTY: (517) 381-8470
(517) 347-7000 Fax: (517) 347-1377
Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women-Website:
Crisis Line: (651) 646-0994 
(800) 289-6177 Nationwide
(651) 646-6177 Fax: (651) 646-1527

Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence-

(601) 981-9196 Fax: (601) 981-2501   Website:
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(573) 634-4161 Fax: (573) 636-3728
Montana Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence-   
(888) 404-7794 Nationwide    
(406) 443-7794 Fax: (406) 443-7818
Nebraska Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition:
(877) 215-0167 Spanish In State
(402) 476-6256 Fax: (402) 476-6806
Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence
(800) 500-1556 In State
(775) 828-1115 Fax: (775) 828-9911
New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
(866) 644-3574 In State
(603) 224-8893 Fax: (603) 228-6096
New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women
(609) 584-8107 Fax: (609) 584-9750
(800) 572-7233 In State
New Mexico State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(800) 942-6908 Spanish-In State      (800) 942-6906 English-In State
(518) 482-5464 Fax: (518) 482-3807
New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence-Website: 
(518) 482-5464 Fax: (518) 482-3807
(800) 942-6908 Spanish-In State
(800) 942-6906 English-In State
North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(888) 232-9124 Nation wide
(919) 956-9124 Fax: (919) 682-1449 
North Dakota Council on Abused Women’s Services 
(888) 255-6240 Nationwide
(701) 255-6240 Fax: (701) 255-1904
Ohio Domestic Violence Network
614-781-9652 (fax)    614-781-9651 (phone) 800-934-9840 (national)
Action Ohio Coalition For Battered Women-Website: 
(614) 781-9651 Fax: (614) 781-9652
(614) 781-9654 TTY
(800) 934-9840
Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
(405) 524-0700 Fax: (405) 524-0711 
Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
(503) 230-1951 Fax: (503) 230-1973
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(717) 545-6400 Fax: (717) 545-9456 (800) 932-4632 Nationwide
Puerto Rico
Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence  Website:
(401) 467-9940 Fax: (401) 467-9943       (800) 494-8100 In State
South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault-  Website:
(803) 256-2900 Fax: (803) 256-1030    (800) 260-9293 Nationwide
South Dakota Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault- Website:
(605) 945-0869 Fax: (605) 945-0870    (800) 572-9196 Nationwide
Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
(615) 386-9406 Fax: (615) 383-2967   (800) 289-9018 In State    
Texas Council on Family Violence-  Website:
(512) 794-1133 Fax: (512) 794-1199     (800) 525-1978 In State
Women’s Coalition of St. Croix
(340) 773-9272 Fax: (340) 773-9062
Utah Domestic Violence Council-Website:
(801) 521-5544 Fax: (801) 521-5548
Vermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
(802) 223-1302 Fax: (802) 223-6943
Virginians Against Domestic Violence- Website:
(757) 221-0990 Fax: (757) 229-1553    (800) 838-8238 Nationwide
Washington State Coalition Against Domestic
(360) 586-1022 Fax: (360) 586-1024  in Olympia, WA 98501
(360) 586-1029 TTY-  Olympia, WA
(206) 389-2515 Fax: (206) 389-2520 in  Seattle, WA
(800) 886-2880 In State
(206) 389-2900 TTY in Seattle, WA
Washington State Native American Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault
(360) 352-3120 Fax: (360) 357-3858
(888) 352-3120    Website: 
West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence-Website:
(304) 965-3552 Fax: (304) 965-3572
Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence-Website:
(608) 255-0539 Fax: (608) 255-3560
Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault- Website:
(307) 755-5481 Fax: (307) 755-5482   (800) 990-3877 Nationwide