Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Domestic Abuse in Ireland

1 in 7 women and 1 in 17 men experience severe domestic violence.
Women are 2x more likely as men to have experienced severe physical abuse,
7x more likely to  experience sexual abuse, and are more likely to experience serious injuries than men.
95% of young women and 84% of young men claimed to know someone who had experienced abuse.
1 in 4 young women knew someone who had been forced to have sex.
In 2010  
-13% of callers had suffered abuse at the hands of their current non-married partners.
-10% been abused by former non-married partner.
-Roughly, 1/5 of women continue to suffer abuse, be stalked and harassed by their ex-partner.
-7,512 Women, 2,462 children supported
-34,000+ helpline calls to domestic violence services in 2009.
-About 100 calls for help were made everyday of the year.
“Over 51% of the 166 women murdered in the Republic were killed by their partner or ex-partner. [From] data...resolved homicide cases show that of the 39 women aged between 18 and 25 years who were killed since 1996, 53% were murdered by a boyfriend or former boyfriend.” (Margaret Martin)
“In ... 100 houses, in 15...will be women who have lived with severe domestic abuse. In 6 will be men who have lived with abuse. It is estimated just 10% of those suffering will access services. So, while 7,500 women accessed domestic violence services in 2009, that’s 75,000 women experiencing abuse in any one year.”( Eimear Fisher)
Helpline number: 1-800-341-900 

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