Physical abuse includes any intentional use of physical force that either injures or risks injuring someone. For example: Restraining, confining, held underwater, beating,slapping, shaking, pushing,choking, biting, pulling hair, burning, kicking, assault with a weapon etc.
Sexual abuse and exploitation:forcing a person to participate in any unwanted, unsafe or degrading sexual activity. It also includes using ridicule or other tactics to try to belittle, control or limit a person's sexuality or their reproductive choices.
Sexual Assault: A crime in Canada... for example:kissing, fondling, touching, oral sex or sexual intercourse without consent; continued sexual contact when asked to stop.
Sexual Harassment: unwanted/unwelcome sexual behavior, actions or words. Many acts of sexual harassment aren't crimes but dealt with under labour or educational institution regulations.
Sexual Exploitation: A crime in Canada i.e involving someone in prostitution or forcing them to participate in pornographic acts or performances for personal or commercial use
Sexual Coercion: For example manipulating a persons situation unfairly to get sex. For Example: lying to someone/threatening to tell lies about them that would damage their reputation. Exploiting/taking sexual advantage of someone, including victims who are younger or intoxicated
Psychological or emotional abuse: For Example: using words/actions to control, isolate, intimidate or dehumanize someone; Any act or omission that reduces an individual's sense of self-worth; damages their psychological/emotional integrity;puts them at risk of behavioral, cognitive, emotional or mental disorders.
Criminal Harassment: A crime i.e stalking or repeatedly following someone from place to place,unwanted attention that causes a person to fear for their safety or the safety of someone known to them.
Economic or financial abuse includes acting without consent in a way that financially benefits one person at the expense of another
Spiritual abuse: preventing a person from engaging in spiritual or religious practices; using a person's religious or spiritual beliefs to exploit, manipulate, dominate or control them; belittling someone's beliefs
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